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Reduced to Love | The SOAP Sessions

Rhythms are the grooves in the record that allow the music of our lives to find expression. The record begins to skip when the rhythm is disrupted, but we can find ways to fix the vinyl. We are in a season where society as a collective has found their well-worn grooves skipping. Sometimes the disruption is a good thing; it creates space for us to make grooves and to rediscover old ones. One of the rhythms that we have at FōS is SOAP, a daily plan for reading the Bible and journaling our reflections. SOAP is an acronym that stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. If you want to join us in our rhythm of SOAP, you can find more information here (fos.church/soapdaily-readings). Our series over the next few weeks is called "The SOAP Sessions," and will consist of messages pulled from our daily reflections. 

This week we will be exploring FōS' vision to be a community that is reduced to love.


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

—1 Corinthians 13:13(NIV)


Paul, the author of 1 Corinthians, says, only three things will remain. The greatest of these three things is love. As a community, we want FōS Church to be reduced to love. As we explore 1 Corinthians 13 as a whole, Paul gives us some clues as to how this could look. 


Is it possible to be reduced to love? Can we follow the writers of the New Testaments' exhortations to love God, neighbor, each other, and even our enemies? These are the kinds of questions that we must grapple with if we want to find ourselves evermore reduced to love. 


Lord, thank you for being love. Thank you for being reduced to love in front of us, allowing us to follow you and become reduced to love ourselves. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen …

Formational Learning:


  • What changes when love is something we do or become instead of something we think or feel?


  • To utilize Paul's analogy of a noisy gong, When has how you expressed your faith become more annoying than loving? Or what are somethings in your life that are hindering you from being love now?


  • What are somethings that we can actively do now to be reduced to love, individually and as a community?